Romanesque itinerary in north-western Sardinia

<p>The itinerary encompasses the north-western portion of the region, the Logudoro and Meilogu areas, the central and south central part of the old giudicato of Torres. The area can be regarded as a sort of open-air museum where different cultures have concentrated ever since prehistory; this is attested to by the Domu de janas, the dolmen and the many nuragic monuments, notably that of Santu Antine-Torralba. The whole area features strongly agro-pastoral landscapes, with beautiful panoramas dominated by rises of volcanic origin, large swaths of flat land and&nbsp; stretches of pastures and vineyards interspersed with rare patches of woodland. The best period to visit the area is May to June, when some of the major events take place: the Festha Manna and SS. Trinit&agrave; di Saccargia, the religious festivals of Porto Torres and Codrongianos, the Usini Wine Festival, dedicated to the best wines of Sassari Province, and the Careghe Ecological Bike Ride. Also worthy of note are Ardara&rsquo;s Madonna del Regno Festival (9th May), with its medieval parade, and the charming horseback costumed procession of San Pietro di Sorres at Borutta (29th June).</p>

One of the most interesting Romanesque itineraries in Sardinia is centred on two churches of a great beauty and evocative power. The first, the Santissima Trinità di Saccargia, is found in the countryside of Codrongianos. Among the most well-known in the panorama of the island Romanesque, it is enriched by a cycle of frescoes of medieval age that make it almost unique. The second one is the basilica of San Gavino in Porto Torres, the largest Romanesque building in Sardinia. The territory hosts more noteworthy monuments, such as the Santa Maria del Regno, palatine chapel of the ‘Judge’ of Ardara, and the San Pietro di Sorres, in the countryside of Borutta, a former cathedral, now a Benedictine monastery provided with a laboratory specialized in the restoration of ancient books. Finally, a few buildings of minor size or importance, yet equally significant with reference to the knowledge of the territory, are Santa Maria di Contra in Cargeghe and Santa Croce in Usini.

Itinerary map

Accommodation1710|1711 [2]

Art and culture1536 [1]

Handicrafts and typical products1511 [1]

Cultural centres1560 [1]

Cinemas and theatres1584 [1]

Nature and wellness1608 [1]

Restaurants1637|1638 [2]

Leisure1681 [1]