Discover Romanesque: The time of Romanesque

Years 1101-1150

After the conclusion of the Fight for Investitures (sanctioned in 1122 by the Concordat of Worms between the pope and the emperor), the Crusade phenomenon marked the passing of time throughout the 12th century, encouraging the reinforcement of trading exchanges with the Eastern Mediterranean. The First Crusade, started at the end of the previous century and lasted until 1101, was followed by a long pause until 1145, when Pope Eugene III called the Second Crusade,  prepared by the preaches of Saint Bernard from Chiaravalle, which justified any sort of evil against the unfaithful, giving the Second Crusade the features of a true military expedition. 
In the meantime, national states were being consolidated in Europe and a fight was started for the dominion over southern Italy and Sicily, where Ruggero II obtained the title of King, despite the pope and the emperor’s opposition.

1112: the Prior Rotone started the reconstruction of San Frediano basilica in Lucca; lots of salvaged columns and capitals were procured from Rome.

1112: Camaldolese monks arrived to the Giudicato of Torres.

1133: Genoa’s increasing claims over Sardinia and Corsica were acknowledged by the Pope, who partitioned the control over the insular dioceses among the bishops of Pisa and Genoa.

1149: Cistercian monks were sent to the Giudicato of Torres.



Personalities of the time