Provincia di Lucca » THE CHURCHES

Pieve of San Giovanni e Santa Felicita

The Church

Immersed among olive trees, partially concealing it to the sight of those who travel along the road downstream, the pieve of Santi Giovanni e Felicita in Valdicastello represented in the Middle Ages the northern boundary of the diocese of Lucca, here bordering the diocese of Luni; its jurisdiction covered a wide territory, comprising the present municipalities of Pietrasanta and Stazzema. A significant example of Romanesque architecture of Lucca, marked by a monumental simplicity, the pieve differs from other ones in the area for the presence of sculptural decoration – similar to that of the pieve of Santa Maria Assunta in Stazzema, once subordinate to that of Valdicastello – externally concentrated on the northern side. In the Middle Ages, indeed, unlike today, the road followed this side of the building. The present building probably dates back to the 12th century, but it had been preceded by a more ancient pieve built in a nearby area.

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12th century

People and legends

Saint Fridianus

How to get there

In auto e moto
Autostrada A12 Genova-Livorno. Uscita Versilia. Procedere in direzione nord verso Via Aurelia Sud/SS1. Proseguire sulla SS1 e svoltare a destra sulla Via Sarzanese/SS439. Svoltare a sinistra in Via Valdicastello Carducci. Prendere la 3° terza a destra in corrispondenza di Via Pizzetto.

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Versilia itinerary