Provincia di Lucca » THE CHURCHES

Pieve of San Pantaleone

The Church

The lake of Massaciuccoli and the sea open wide under the gaze of the Pieve of San Pantaleone, lying on a rise ‘in loco Illice’, ‘the place of ilexes’, which still today enframes the Church along with extensive olive groves. Built in a dominating position over the ancient track of the Aurelian Way, parallel to the sea, and the track once heading to the inland, linking Camaiore to Lucca, the architectural features of the edifice enhance the impression of majesty given by its isolated location. The austerity of the plain wall face in squared ashlars is underlined by the lack of sculpted ornaments and by its plain openings; the proportion of its parts is marked by a moderate verticalism, emphasized by the bell tower, free-standing in a halfway position on the southern side. Such features date back to a single building phase, datable from the 12th century, involving all the elements of the present edifice, exception made for a few portions of the wall face on the northern side, referring to a previous age. Also referable to an earlier phase is the baptismal font in lithic sandstone, currently placed on the meadow next to the pieve.

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12th century

People and legends

Saint Fridianus

How to get there

In auto e moto
Autostrada A11 Firenze Mare. Diramazione  Viareggio–Lucca. Uscita Massarosa. Procedere in direzione nord verso la Via Sarzanese/SS439. Continuare a seguire la SS349, svoltare a destra in Via Luigi Spada Cenami e continuare sulla Strada Comunale Canipaletti.

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