Provincia di Lucca » THE CHURCHES

Church of San Lorenzo

The Church

Along the road leading to the Pieve of Brancoli, the small church of San Lorenzo strikes one’s attention for its bell tower, resting on an arcade through which the ancient road network once ran. Built in the 12th century by subsequent groups of workers, as confirmed by the variety of its masonry, the edifice appears nonetheless homogeneous in its plain medieval structure: a single-nave plan with semicircular apse, common to many Romanesque churches found in the surrounding countryside.

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12th century

How to get there

In auto e moto
Autostrada A11 Firenze Mare - Uscita Lucca Est o Lucca Ovest. Proseguire sulla Via del Brennero/SS12 (nord) seguendo le indicazioni per “Bagni di Lucca” “Abetone” ed arrivare fino a Ponte a Moriano (KM 5). Attraversato il paese, svoltare a destra in Via per Pieve di Brancoli e seguire la strada.

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Brancoleria itinerary