Provincia di Pisa » THE CHURCHES

Cathedral of Santa Maria

Piazza San Giovanni, 56048, Volterra, Pisa, Toscana, Italia

The Church

At the heart of Volterra, a small jewel box of Etruscan, Roman and modern treasures, the cathedral and the baptistery rise at the back of Piazza dei Priori. 
Today, the cathedral appears as a layered monumental complex, where the still perceptible medieval plan was changed by subsequent additions.
Erroneously attributed to Nicola Pisano by Giorgio Vasari, the edifice was built between the late 11th and the 12th centuries, when the territory acquired the building modes from Pisan, Florentine and Siena masters.
The interior guards a magnificent marble pulpit by master Guglielmo’s workshop and a beautiful wooden Deposition dating from the 13th century.
The campanile, a high tower in dichromatic masonry built in the 16th century, is singularly located at one end of the square.

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11th-12th centuries


Valdera and Volterra itinerary