Discover Romanesque: The time of Romanesque

Years 1151-1200

The second half of the century was marked by the character of Frederick I Redbeard, the protagonist emperor of the fight against the Communes of northern Italy, united in the Lombard League: Frederick’s attempts to extend his full dominion ended in 1183 when the Peace of Constance was signed, recognizing the prerogatives requested by the Communes of the Lombard League.
Frederick died during the Third Crusade, called in 1187 by Gregory VIII after the fall of Jerusalem in the hands of Muslims; this was also known as ‘the Kings’ crusade’, as all the chief European sovereigns took part to it. Constantinople was conquered during the Fourth Crusade, undertaken in 1198.

1153: Treaty signed by Lucca and Genova to ensure the access of silk cloth local manufacture on the eastern markets. In 1182, an analogous treaty ratified with Modena would allow the access to French markets.

1158: Pisa sent troops to the aid of Frederick I, who was besieging Milan.

1162: the emperor Frederick I recognized the independence of Lucca.
Barisone II of Arborea attempted to obtain the title of King of Sardinia.

1185: the pope from Lucca Lucio III (born Ubaldo Allucingoli) died; he had previously been a parson at the Cathedral of San Martino di Lucca.

1187: Guglielmo di Massa, of the Obertenghi household, rose to the throne as the ruler (‘Judge’) of Cagliari.



Personalities of the time