Provincia di Pisa » THE CHURCHES

Abbey of Santi Salvatore, Giusto e Clemente

Borgo San Giusto, 56048 Volterra, Pisa, Toscana, Italia

The Church

The history of the abbey of Santi Salvatore, Giusto e Clemente follows the vicissitudes of Volterra's balze I (cliffs), near the building. The balze are steep clayey rock faces that are subject to landslides, which have always characterized the landscape of Volterra, inspiring visiting travellers, painters and writers. In time, the abbey partially lost its original structures because of landsliding events. During the 19th century, it was abandoned by Camaldolese monks, who had been guarding it for centuries. 
The interior of the church used to host important frescoes by Giotto’s apprentices, dating from the 14th century. Unfortunately, nothing was left of this pictorial cycle.

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People and legends

Justus and Clement, bishops of Volterra


Valdera and Volterra itinerary